The Family Survival System is a self-help system that helps you and your family get through any crisis. It was created by Frank Mitchell, who served in the US Military for 20 years before coining this idea to help others like him escape their problems without difficulty or risk of death!
The system is designed to respond quickly in case of an emergency within America’s financial sector.
Mitchell says the next financial crisis is imminent and he knows how you can survive it. Through his unique guide, Mitchell offers invaluable ways of escaping from any possible danger that may come your way in times like these!
The Objectives of the System
- The system will guide you on identifying risks (potential signs to look out for) and preparing in advance (what to do) for such risks.
- The system will guide you to create more than enough drinking water for you and your family to survive a calamity for months.
- The system will elaborate to you how you can continue enjoying your delicious homemade meals regardless of the fact that you do not have supply of gas and power.
- The system will guide you to save lives without necessarily having any medical skills and experience.
- Through the system, you will be able to determine the correct type of firearm that you must have in order to be able to protect your family when they are in danger.
- Through the system, you will be able to create a fully equipped medical kit that not only covers you, but also the rest of your family. The kit you come up with will definitely cost you less when compared to purchasing a commercial medical kit.
- Through the system, you will be able to gather the correct type of food that can successfully help you survive. You will know what type of food you need to look for and how to preserve the food for prolonged duration of time.
- Through the system, you will learn the necessary skills you will need to look for food when you are caught unaware by a survival situation.
- Through the system, you will be able to create a well-secured home that you and your family can seek refuge when a disaster strikes.
- Through the system, you will be able to gather invaluable information that is vital for surviving an emergency/ disaster.
- The system will teach you how to locate the best places for your family to seek refuge in the event that you are all faced with a calamity.
- Generally, the system will teach as well as transform you into an ultimate survivor, a family that can go through everything and anything to stay alive.
The system layout
The system provides you with in-depth knowledge of the following:
- Threat people face in American in the present world.
- The temperament of your family along with how it affects your preparations.
- Wild cards & other variables.
- The prepper triangle.
- Leading skills for the prepper checklist.
- The leading survival ingredient – food.
- Bugging out versus bugging in.
- Home defense for the prepper family.
- The hybrid situation.
- Starting to Prep.
The above-mentioned subjects are the major points of discussion in this survival system.
According to the system, you will not meet your demise due to overly disastrous events such as doomsday. Instead, the American people’s end is completely and utterly defined by the events that take place in the current world.
The most popular happenings that are pointed out by the system include extended power failures, natural events, war & acts of terrorism, and infringement by the government. Extended power failures can easily increase due to the over-burdened, antiquated, and failure-prone power grid of the U.S. According to the system, the power grid is vulnerable to hacking, external attacks, hurricanes, and storms.
Natural events have proven to impose devastating effects on the American people, which include: geomagnetic storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, forest fires, mudslides, flash floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Most of these events may be unstoppable, but you can manage the risk by planning ahead. The probability of the U.S. being under attack is definitely high.
The most common war & acts of terrorism include biological terrorism, radiological terrorism, cyber terrorism, and EMP attacks. According to the system, the government is constantly infringing on the ability of an American to protect him or herself from the looming dangers.
One of the most important concepts of the system that should without a doubt motivate you to use the guide is the prepper triangle. The system clearly elaborates the importance of a prepper by discussing in length the contents of the prepper triangle. Basically, the prepper triangle is composed of skills, knowledge and gear.
The system defines a skill as a process that produces a positive outcome when performed successfully. Knowledge is defined as factual information that you know as far as survival is concerned. Gear refers to the tools that you are equipped with. The system will help you acquire the following information about preppers.
Who is a prepper with respect to the survival system?
To understand and appreciate the system, you first have to understand who a prepper is as far as surviving is concerned. In simple terms, a prepper is a person who is enthusiastically preparing for the unexpected. In his or her preparation, he or she will include possible disruptions on scales, political order, or social order in the society. You need to be able to make a clear distinction between a prepper and a survivalist. This is so since you might mistakenly refer to yourself as a prepper and yet you are just a survivalist.
To begin with, both a survivalist and a prepper tend to fear the same problems most of which are unexpected/ emergency/ disastrous. You can best define a survivalist as someone who tries to ensure his or her personal survival or the survival of his or her family.
On the other hand, a prepper is merely the same as a survivalist, but he or she does practically implement all the determinations to guarantee survival. A prepper will not only understand the system but he or will go ahead and implement all the guidelines offered by the system.
Prepper skills
There are many prepper skills that you will learn; however, the most important ones are:
- Start a fire
- Purify water
- Sharpen a knife
- Reload ammunition
- Apply a tourniquet
- Perform CPR
- Using a compass to navigate
- Start a compost pile
- Cooking
- Change car oil
Prepper knowledge
To be a good prepper, you need to have the appropriate prepper knowledge. According to the system, you can acquire knowledge from the following: medical textbooks; farming & gardening manuals; first aid manuals; online videos; military field manuals; vehicle service manuals; and communication reference manuals.
The knowledge that you have to acquire should include but not limited to:
- Rethinking your mindset
- Learn basic cooking skills
- Learn basic canning methods
- Know how to calculate the amount of water you require
- Learning financial readiness
- Learn how to assemble a long-term medical kit
Prepper gear
The Survival System provides you with extensive knowledge as far as the tools you need to get things done are concerned. The most important gear pointed out by the system includes but are not limited to:
- Water filter
- Survival radio
- Weapon
- A comprehensive medical/ first aid kit
- A survival knife
Food is considered by the system to be one of the most important things for survival. The guide insists on the importance of what you need to survive and not what you can pack. It is clear from the guide that lack of food can lead to a number of unfortunate situations that may reduce chances of survival.
Such unfortunate situations include lack of concentration, oversleeping, fogginess, and loss of coordination. All the aforementioned are critical if you are to make it out of a disaster a life and as a family. As a prepper, you are required to know the foods that will be of value to you and your family and the ones that won’t.
Preparing for an emergency or a disaster can be a long-term thing. Therefore, you need to engage foodstuff that is not only non-perishable but also requires minimal maintenance. According to the system, the most appropriate food that fits the requirements is canned food.
Canned foods present the following benefits: they are inexpensive; there are many kinds of canned foods (fish, fruits, veggies, cereals); have long shelf lives; require minimal storage considerations, and are available globally. It is clear from the system that food is everything and it is one of the key ingredients for surviving any situation. See our list of the best food you have to prepare for any emergency situation, check it out.
How important is the Survival System?
The abovementioned facts have summarized what this system is all about. The system provides you with invaluable pieces of insights and advice. The developer (Frank Mitchell) reveals to his audience the impending economic crisis and how his creation can help to stay safe, alive, and thriving. You will observe that the system is presented in units.
Each unit organizes different ideas through checklists. The structure of the system portrays it as a guide rather than an ordinary publication. There is not much for you to do; all you have to do is follow the steps and information provided by the system to the very end in order to be able to keep your family safe.
The system is particularly important if you are not the most organized person. It helps you avoid playing ideas by ear and unveils the importance of a checklist. The checklist simply lists each specialty requirement and provides a space for you to check off items.
It is clear that the checklist system will ensure that you do not forget anything important – it will be quite unfortunate to be faced with a calamity, just to realize that you forgot the most crucial things you need for your family to survive. The system’s checklist is provided in the past tense, which simply indicates that you have already accomplished what is stated the moment you check off the box.
The system does certainly help you distinguish between needs and wants as far as your family survival is concerned. Choosing what you and your family need can be particularly challenging since, in most cases, you may end up replacing needs with wants. You should not view prepping as a process that denies you what you always want.
Instead, you should view prepping as a way of creating a balance between the needs and the wants. The survival system elaborates this for you. For instance, the system recommends canned products for survival. You on the other hand may want something else, but canned products seem to be convenient when you consider all factors. See our piece on home canning recipes to jumpstart your survival preparations.
Learning how to purify water on your own is also a valuable skill. The system provides you with invaluable information as far as water purification techniques are concerned. According to the system, boiling has always been an effective way of purifying water and usually gets the job done. However, boiling is not always available, especially when you are struggling to survive a calamity. As an alternative, the system encourages you to use the solar disinfection method (SODIS).
According to Mitchell, the above purification method has proven to be very effective as far as eliminating water bacteria is concerned. This purification method provided by the system presents the following: easy to operate; capable of removing bad taste and odors; removes bacteria, parasites, and cysts; and can filter dirt and sediments. For more options, see our article on how to make a water filter for survival situations.
In conclusion
The system will provide you with everything you and your family may need to prepare for the unexpected. It ensures that you are equipped with the ideal defenses to keep your family going whenever you are faced with long-term power shortages, lack of government assistance, financial crisis, and natural disasters. Check out our get-home bag essentials necessary for survival, it’s an essential read for everyone.
What Mitchell formed is an original survival system that provides you with irresistible survival tactics that will, without a doubt, force you to take the ultimate steps. As you go through the content and check off the specialty requirements, you will know exactly what you need to do to get things done in order to ensure your family survives.
Great article.
Keeping the family safe is always a priority. With this system the entire family can be prepared in a matter of minutes. This can save lives and prevent a disaster no one wants to have in their lives.
In addition, the system contains tips/list of items that you might need when civilization as we know it was to collapse.
Many take civilization for granted. Sure, we feel safe but are we really safe? History has proved that a disaster can happen at any time.
That is why everyone in my family knows their role and we regularly practices scenarios which will take place when the disaster strikes.
That is great thinking Cassie; also, the best way of preparing for a disaster as a family is to implement the family survival system.
The most important thing to anyone in the word is his/her family. People may go to any lengths to protect their family. Who knows when a disaster may strike? So, it’s better to be safer than sorry. This article provides a great guide to keep your family safe and sound.
Thank you for showing interest in our community.
In my point of view, one must have a bunker under their house to keep him and his family safe from a disaster. Furthermore, one should have enough supplies to last a week or 2 without any help.
Always make sure your family is prepared for the unexpected.